Welcome to our Star Global Family Community
Star Global Family is here to serve Star children and adults to realise their
full potential. This is to recognise who they are and be fully in that knowledge
so they can play their role to raise the frequency of the planet as it makes
the enormous transition into conscious living also known as the Fifth
Dimension. SGF recognises there are as many Star and Soul families as
there are ways in which they communicate.
These Star Children, who have largely been born on Earth in the last 30
years, have gifts and abilities different from what is considered to be normal
amongst most peers, teachers, educational establishments and even parents
and siblings. They can be acutely sensitive to their own feelings and those
of others. In this some may want to balance those around them who are out
of balance. As a result they appear to ‘overload’ on being in the company of
others. Some will block out the information from others to the extent of being
antisocial or lacking in interpersonal skills. Others may manifest
non-compliant behaviour and be labelled as having ADHD, ADD and autism
or Aspergers syndrome. They may be considered to have learning
difficulties like dyslexia and dyscalculia. This often leads to them being
punished negatively, or worse medicated for what they cannot do rather
than for the gifts such ‘conditions’ may reveal.
They may be gifted to the point of excellence in one or many subjects and
know exactly what they need to learn. They see life from a quantum
perspective. They thus have access to a far-reaching consciousness and
with the abilities, knowledge and intelligence which goes with it. They have
knowledge beyond their years and of other lives as well as stellar and
planetary systems. Star children find SGF through mostly word of mouth
and their abilities in non-physical communication.
3.Hybrid Children
4.Generation Intuition
5.The Good Food Kitchen
6.Another way